
The Lakewood Homeowners Associations has annual homeowner dues in the amount of $674.59. Several payment options are available as shown below.

Payment Option Description Amount
Annual Pay in full with cash or check to receive a 5% discount by January 31 $640.86
Semi Annual Pay 50% of annual total as follows:
Due January 31 $337.30
Due July 1 $337.29
Quarterly Pay 25% of annual total as follows:
Due January 31 $168.65
Due April 1 $168.65
Due July 1 $168.65
Due October 1 $168.74
Credit Card Payments

You may pay in full with a credit card. You will not receive a discount when paying with a credit card due to charges the HOA will incur. To use a credit card or PayPal, click the credit card image below. If prompted, please enter your Lakewood property address as the “shipping address.”

You do not need to signup for PayPal in order to pay with your credit card.

Payment by Check

Make your check payable to Lakewood Homeowners Association (or Lakewood HOA). Please ensure your property address appears on your check. To qualify for the discounted amount, full payment by cash or check must be received or postmarked by January 31, 2023.

You may mail your check to our P.O. Box listed below or bring your payment to our office at 7317 Lakewood Drive. Payments mailed to the physical address will be returned, as there is no official mail receptacle on property.

Mailing Address

Lakewood Homeowners Association
P.O. Box 27674
Austin, TX 78755

Due Dates and Late Fees

It is your responsibility to ensure each payment is received by the HOA on time, even if you elect to pay semi-annually or quarterly.

Discount Option: As mentioned, to qualify for the discounted amount, full payment by check or cash must be received or be postmarked by January 31 of the corresponding year.

Late Fee Policy: If any payment is not received or postmarked by the 5th day of the month due, a $25 late fee will be assessed and will continue to be assessed each month until dues are current. (For payment due January 31, payment must be received or postmarked by the 5th of February.) In each succeeding month, if the total amount then due is not paid or postmarked by the 5th day of that month, an additional $25 late fee will apply for that month.

If any payment and/or late fee is not paid, the Association is empowered to place a lien against the subject real property.